Enzo Sisto 23 september 2018

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Veal Creations & Foodstage

“The most innovative stand” on SIAL Paris 2018

with 5 nominations for

the SIAL Innovation Awards 2018 – veal and beef.

Veal Creations have a wide range of innovative clean label&convenienceproducts: Veal Meat, Veal Vegetable & Breaded Veal. Our breaded products will always be crispy without using the deep fryer and can be prepared in the Oven, Airfryer, TurboChef or in a pan and – why not? – on the BBQ.

Traditional Italian Grandma’s recipes ensure authentic flavours and home-made quality, without having to spend much time in the kitchen.

The Hybrid clean label Veal and Vegetable burger is available in 4 different flavours: Aubergine, Traditional, Broccoli & Spinach.

The Hybrid Veal & Aubergine Burger is nominated in 2 categories by Comité Restauration and Comité Produit Grande Consommation.

Foodstage’s clean label – giant – URBAN SHARE STEAK BURGER (Beef & Veal) is nominated 3 times in 3 different versions by Comité Produit Grande Consommation.

Easy to grill on BBQ, fry-top, oven or pan.

You are very welcome to visit us at Dutch Pavilions hall 6, L 179.

For more information, please contact us at:

Veal Creations:


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