Semi-wild breeding in the Limousin region

Enzo Sisto 6 november 2018

collage allevament semi brado regione Limousin

We have been visiting our virtuous breeders from the Limousin region in France. Images of peace and symbiosis with an uncontaminated nature, far from noise and industries, have accompanied us on our tour.

In particular, we experienced a moment of culture at the "Polo de Lanaud". Since 1991, limousin cattle have been selected at this research station to respond better to growth and health outcomes in the living conditions of this region.

All this has given results also in the fight against antibiotics. A genetically healthy animal, free in the grasslands, has a quiet and prosperous life. We can find all this in the quality of our meats. HUMAN TRY this our motto.

If you want to know more about Lanaud visit:

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