Enzo Sisto 19 november 2019

A new logo that highlights how much FOODSTAGE has achieved in recent years: getting closer to nature and natural production. The name on the background of a blue sky overlooking hills with gentle slopes. Hills that could be in Limousin, as well as in Tuscany or Yorkshire: a European landscape, a name that brings together, an united continent - EUROPE - that counts more than 511 million consumers.

Our ethical values ​​are: sustainability, circular economy, respect for the people, the environment and, of course, the animal (Humanely Raised), biological-ecological, without any antibiotics. These values ​​are our creed and inspire us daily, improving our performances.

A new office equipped with a research laboratory. Meat and on the reaction of meat to different cooking systems are a part of our research. This is to achieve the maximum result in a natural way, respecting what nature has given us. Thanks to this research, the meat not only respects our values ​​but also qualitatively satisfies the gourmet that dwells in each of us.
The company certification to the FOODSTAGE by SGS as "Supply Chain Director" according to the specifications of BETER LEVEN - Dutch Animal Welfare.

Giovanni De Zorzi joined our team - born in San Daniele del Friuli, a guarantee. Giovanni will support the sales team also in the back office and in the sales support department. As a professional chef, he wants to differentiate his professional experiences. Welcome among us!

The personal certification of the KCBS (Kansas City Barbecue Society) as "Certified BBQ Judge" and "Certified Table Captain" of which I am proud. And the many BBQ and PR activities organized by our FOODSTAGE in the last two years together with many partners in locations and fairs. From Rotterdam, Rome, Milan, Limoges, Ragusa, Lyon, Paris, Cologne, Geraci, .... Just read the previous articles in this blog to get an idea.

And the innovations with the partners of Veal Creations, Feel Vegan, Casa Vercelli, Salumi Cinque Stelle and many amazing delights that will arrive in 2020. Come and visit us at the HORECAVA in Amsterdam from 13 to 16 January, hall 7 stand 102.
See you soon at the Horecava 2020. Amsterdam January 13-16th 2020. Enzo Sisto


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